From AR to IRL: Buffalo’s Ralph Wilson Park Pedestrian Bridge
The future became the present in Buffalo, NY this fall, with the completion of the Ralph Wilson Park Pedestrian Bridge project. If this were a typical public works project in your city, you might have just realized what was under construction– but in Buffalo, local residents have been able to view the bridge over I-190 for the past two years with inCitu Augmented Reality.
Back in 2022 inCitu worked with The Ralph Wilson Park Conservancy to adapt their 3D model to AR, and for the first time, we made inCitu AR experiences available on three platforms: our iOS app, Instagram effects, and Snapchat Lenses, unlocking deep, first person understanding of the future built environment via smartphone and social media.
inCitu was honored to collaborate with the Ralph Wilson Park Conservancy to engage local residents in the development of a new pedestrian bridge over Interstate-190. The importance of this project cannot be overstated. Despite being the most direct access point for over 15,000 adjacent neighbors, the entrances to the existing bridge lacks any signage and looks forgotten. In addition to the noise and air pollution from the interstate below, harsh design elements like concrete wrapped in chain link fencing has created a viscous circle of neglect. The bridge will serve as the first phase of a $110 million development to transform over 90 acres along Lake Eire into a waterfront destination and a resilient shoreline to mitigate the effects of climate change.
Cross-Platform Immersive Engagement
Our AR experience brought the bridge to life and put it in Buffalo residents’ hands, making the planning process more interactive and engaging. We worked with The Ralph Wilson Park Conservancy to adapt their 3D model to AR, and for the first time, we made inCitu AR experiences available on three platforms: our iOS app, Instagram effects, and Snapchat Lenses, bringing our content to anyone with a smartphone. Seeing the future of your community is now as simple as scanning a QR code.
On July 19 2022, the inCitu team traveled to Buffalo for the park’s groundbreaking event to see our work in action, support the Conservancy, and learn more about how people engage with AR and the future built environment. Over 600 local residents, elected officials, and representatives from project partners were in attendance, and nearly 100 people directly experienced the bridge in AR.
“This park is where we help kids grow and give them something positive to do.”
— Edward, Westside Little League Football Coach
We had countless conversations with residents, each with a unique connection to the park, but also a shared excitement to see the future link. With a bit of squinting, seeing the future in the present certainly looks exciting and otherworldly.
“It looks like Venus!” — Seven-year-old nearby resident
Persistent Digital Engagement
The engagement with the AR view of the bridge has continued: in the month after the groundbreaking event, over 360 people viewed the bridge in AR. We saw continued engagement with the bridge week over week, especially with our social media integrations. Residents followed and commented on the bridge and have shared screenshots and videos in AR through Snapchat and Instagram! inCitu was proud to see our immersive experiences continuing to provide a highly inclusive and accessible entry to planning communities.